Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Jesus: The Heretic

What a way to start an entry huh? Jesus the Heretic. Sort of gets your attention? Well, it was actually something Jesus heard alot while he was teaching. And I would venture to say that if he were here teaching today, there would be a surprising number of religious "Christian" leaders who would say the same thing. There are so many who claim to know him and his message and yet, in truth, they really do not have a clue.

Remember, this blog is primarily dealing with the message of grace and love. We are not here to discuss in depth every aspect of the teachings of Jesus nor the validity of the biblical version of his life. But I will say this - the higher on a pedestal you place the man Jesus, the harder it will be for you to truly understand and follow him and his teachings. The problem is - it has been shoved down people's throats for so long that "Jesus is God" that everyone forgets that Jesus was a man - a human being, capable of everything and anything that any other human being has ever done or will do. And it was as a man that Jesus taught and ministered as he did.

Jesus constantly questioned and even disputed claims held as truth by the sacred texts of his time. Even things credited to have been written by the patriarch Moses, Jesus flat out said "This is not the nature of God." And he was called a blasphemer and heretic because of it. There was even at least one time when the angry crowd took him to the edge of a cliff in order to throw him over and stone him to death because of his having said things such as this. This was recorded to have happened near the beginning of his ministry. Now think about all of this. Here is this virtual nobody from the ghetto (Nazareth/Galilee) who is bringing into question things attributed to one of the greatest patriarchs of your religion - the one who is said to have written a major set of your most sacred texts. Not only was Jesus a "nobody", most of those that knew him considered him to be either a bastard (literally) or at least to have been conceived illegitimately. So needless to say, Jesus was looked upon with disdain from his birth by this highly religious and pious community. So who was he to even think of questioning the sacred writings of his religion?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your vist to my blog Scott, your encouragement was appreciated. Being spiritual rather than religious I would say you are on the right path, the established church serves its purpose sure, only for me if the holy spirit can be compared to a dove its true nature is to fly free and the church puts it into a cage.
If jesus was here doing the things he did and saying the things he did today, the church would probably consider him a heretic.

Josh said...

Interesting blog... I come from a conservative Free Will Baptist background and it took me a long time to get my bearing and accept myself for who I am.

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

loving the blog, Scott!